Paying rent

Paying rent is the most important responsibility as a tenant. It is crucial that you maintain your rent payments on time as a minimum, RE Rentals recommends to make rent payments in advance to give yourself a bit of breathing space. After all, life can throw a curve ball at any moment. Agents are required by law to maintain a rental ledger, recording all payments received and showing rent paid to dates. This means that if you make rent payments late, we must record this on your rental ledger. As a tenant your rental ledger is crucial, if you are searching for a new rental and submit a tenancy application, the agency will request a rental ledger as part of their background checks. It is likely that if you have late rent payments recorded, you may not be successful in leasing the property.

If you know that you are unable to make a rent payment, we strongly encourage you to make contact with your property manager to discuss and work out a plan. Unfortunately, rent is one of the only payments that you are unable to request an extension on. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, rent must be your number one priority. Most other providers such as internet, power, gas, bank loans have facilities to extend your payment due date. We encourage all tenants to explore these options before allowing your rent to fall into arrears. It is far less stressful to get your finances back on track knowing your home is paid for.

If you need assistance paying your rent, check out these useful contact’s provided by the RTA here.

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RE Rentals did a great job of transferring my property from my previous manager. The whole process was stress free and done in a couple of days. The difference in communication from RE Rentals has made owing an investment property so much easier. Thanks to the RE Rentals team.
Paul Tully
Thanks guys!! I really appreciate the quick (and patient) advice over the last few weeks. We have signed the new property up and will settle in early May! Add another one to your list!!!
Kieren Davis