Frequently asked questions

We have found that a lot of our new investor clients were either unhappy with their property manager or suspected that their property manager’s lack of communication was adding to their stress levels or worse still hampering their efforts to grow their portfolio and ultimately achieve their financial goals.

We have compiled a list of some of the questions we are commonly asked by our new investor clients.  If you can’t find the answer to your question below please send us an email or leave us some details and we will get in touch to answer your question!

Our property management software allows us to monitor rental payments on a daily basis. RE Rentals has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to late rent. We strictly enforce the timeframes under the Residential Tenancies Act.

If your tenant’s rent is more than 1 day late, we follow them up by telephone, email and SMS. We also inform you immediately.

If your tenant’s rent is still not paid by day 8 we will, after seeking your instructions, issue a Notice to Remedy Breach requiring payment within a further 7 days.

If rent is not paid within that further 7 day period we will discuss your options with you and seek your instructions to issue a Notice to Leave, requiring your property to be vacated within a further 7 days.

RE Rentals manages your property to ensure that you achieve the best achievable financial return. Achieving this result, requires us to undertake a range of activities, including, ensuring that your property is well looked after and that preventative and other maintenance is undertaken when required. RE Rentals will inspect your property as many times as is necessary for your individual property to ensure that it is performing as it should.

If, however, your property is performing well and only requires routine inspections, we will undertake at least 3 inspections for a six month lease (entry, exit and one in between) and four inspections for a 12 month lease (entry, exit and two in between).

Our property managers many a maximum of 65 properties at any one time.

Our property managers manage on a portfolio basis, which means that you have a single manager looking after your properties – a single point of contact. As your portfolio grows, so does your relationship with your property manager.

You can read more about the RE Rentals difference here. But basically, RE Rentals was created by property investors who wanted a better service from their property managers – they couldn’t find it so they started RE Rentals!!

RE Rentals is part of the RE Group, a property investment advisory and wealth management business that helps property investors build their property portfolios by developing an their investment strategy, locating and acquiring investment grade properties and managing those properties. We don’t sell properties – so our success is aligned with your success – if managing your property investment is stressful and you decide to sell, we don’t make any commission on your sale, we lose a client. If we manage your property efficiently and help you to generate the best financial return possible, we hope that you will feel empowered to grow your property portfolio and give us more rental properties to manage – win, win!!

At RE Rentals, we have an online leasing system which automates the inspection booking process, allowing tenants to book inspections 24 hours per day and ensuring every enquiry is followed up and reported to you. This system automatically books prospective tenants into the next suitable inspection time, ensuring that all possible enquiries are converted to inspections as soon as possible.

Additionally, our system captures prospective tenant feedback at every inspection, allowing us to provide you with real time reports showing enquiry levels, inspection attendance and prospective tenant feedback – which allows you to respond to market feedback immediately and get your property rented faster.

Because our goal is to get your property rented and maximise the net return from your property, we make ourselves available to show your property after hours and on weekends – the times that tenants prefer!

If you already own an investment property which is currently being managed by someone else, it’s easy to make the switch. Most management agreements require the client to provide 30 days notice in writing to terminate their agreement. We can act on your behalf and send this email by having you fill and sign an authority form.

Prior to the change of management date we will notify your tenants so they are aware of the change to limit any disruption. On the 30th day, we will collect the keys and paperwork from the previous agent and make all of the necessary arrangements on our end. There should be no disruption on your end, only professional managers and great communication!

RE Rentals undertakes rental appraisals on every property it manages at the conclusion of each lease or annually, whichever is the shorter period. RE Rentals will advise you what the market rent for your property is at each rental appraisal time, to ensure that your property is always rented at full market rent. RE Rentals staff are trained to negotiate rental increases with existing tenants without putting you at risk of loosing a quality tenant.

If you are not yet an RE Rentals customer but would like to find out what your property should be renting for, contact us here.

RE Rentals doesn’t sell property. We believe that if we sell property, our objectives are not fully aligned with yours.

However, we understand that some of our clients may need to sell, for an example, to exit an under performing asset or to take advantage of other investment opportunities. Accordingly, we have developed strategic relationships with sales agents in most regions who we believe provide quality services and whose values are consistent with ours. Please let us know if you would like a referral to one of our preferred sales agents.

Online access 24/7

Check your rent, manager your statements an and other documents any time of the ay or night.

Landlord’s Login
Tenant’s Login

Free Rental Appraisal

Ask us for a quick, easy FREE and, most importantly of all, independent opinion of the market rent for your property.

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RE Rentals did a great job of transferring my property from my previous manager. The whole process was stress free and done in a couple of days. The difference in communication from RE Rentals has made owing an investment property so much easier. Thanks to the RE Rentals team.
Paul Tully
Thanks guys!! I really appreciate the quick (and patient) advice over the last few weeks. We have signed the new property up and will settle in early May! Add another one to your list!!!
Kieren Davis